AREC 2023
Epic Proportions
In 2023, AREC took place at the Gold Coast Convention Centre to an audience of 4000. All Things All Creatures supervised the motion/content on-site during the event, including full animation and creative direction for the opening video that propelled the event. The content focused on motion graphics, leaning into synchronised effects that added spectacle to the incredibly large LED screens arrayed in the boxing-ring shaped arena.
Getting amongst the action
The true proportions of this event are hard to put into words, but luckily we created a BTS video to show just that!
Photography by Social Focus.

Event Manager: Nichola Byrne
Event Producer: Rich Browning
Creative Director: Kai Raisbeck
Art Director: Tom Ewart
Designer: Tom Ewart
Animator: Elliot Grancha
Videographer: Kai Raisbeck
Editor: Kai Raisbeck