AI Explainer Series
Explaining AI for Australian Businesses
We created a series of eight videos which deep dive into AI. Starting with explaining the concept of AI, and ending with exploring what makes an AI system trustworthy, we essentially created a crash course in AI for Australian businesses. 
Creating the visual language
From script to screen, our motion designer and script writer spearheaded this incredible series, taking complex ideas and converting them into a readily understandable information along side a bespoke visual language that cements understanding.
The process was iterative, script, storyboarding, animatics and mastering. With many stakeholders and in-depth information, it was critical to have communication and creative guidance at the forefront of our workflow.

Project Manager: Lynda Przhedetsky
Project Manager: Nicholas Davis
Creative Director: Kai Raisbeck
Art Director: Tom Ewart
Designer: Tom Ewart
Animator: Tom Ewart
Sound: Tom Ewart
Copywriter: Fiona Britton